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HDL Homey App

The unoffical HDL SmartBus app for Homey

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Universal Switches

Universal Switches (UVS) are virtual switches that does not live at a specific device, but rather is kept at bus level. So if two devices needs to share a common understanding of state, a UVS is the way to go. In the App, you can add Universal Switches as a simple ON/OFF device.

Setting the state based on signals on the bus

The App will listen to signals containing Universal Switch changes. These can be come as separate messages, or together with other messages from a specific device. When any signal is received, the App will check to see if it contains Universal Switch changes and update a Homey Device accordingly if it exists.

Setting the state from Homey

When a switch is changed by you in the App, the change is sent out as a broadcast. In addition, we do one of two thing, depending on the settings: In the App Settings, you can set the address to a logic controller. If this address is present, a change in a US will be sent to the Logic Controller, if not, the change will be sent to each device on the bus, from 1 to 254.